Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Final for Principles of 3D Modeling

Final Render
Here is the Final Animation I created.

Friday, June 4, 2010

About Time I Post Something New!!

So here's the dealio!
I've been super...SUPER busy with my other classes. Im sure you dont want me to update my American Literature research paper on my blog haha.

But anyway, ive been doing a lot of animation which requires more time and effort to make them into a video and post on my blog.
....also my WoW addiction is slowly coming back!
anyway... i've been working on my final for 3D Modeling and its coming along great... i still have a lot of work to do.

Water is something new to me in 3Dsmax. Making it just right takes lots of time and tweaking.

But! good news is that i found some mistakes in the terrain which im sure you can tell with this post that can be fixed easily.

I'd like to take the time to thank my friends and family who look,follow and comment my work as i go through school. It means a lot.

Anyway.. here you go!

I plan to add lots of trees, (dead on the left, Living on the right) kinda going for the grass is greener on the other side :)
Animate birds flying...doodads like bushes... grass, rocks and stuff.